Mas y Mas, Stadt im Regal, La Panaderia, Mexico City (MX), 1999
Clouds of insulating foam, craters made of fabric with wood print and splintered edge, H 140 cm x L 80 cm x W 40 cm, H 120 cm x L 50 cm x W 80 cm
Installation set-up in front of La Panaderia, with Break Brake Broken by Antje Dorn
Photo: Heike Klussmann
Clouds of insulating foam, craters made of fabric with wood print and splintered edge, H 140 cm x L 80 cm x W 40 cm, H 120 cm x L 50 cm x W 80 cm
Installation set-up in front of La Panaderia, with Break Brake Broken by Antje Dorn
Photo: Heike Klussmann
Silent Break, Collage, H 32 cm x L 40 cm, print on Hahnemühle paper
"Sie [die Wand] bricht ein ganz ohne Lärm und Laut."
Rainer Maria Rilke, Stunden-Buch Mexico-City befindet sich in einem andauernden Aufgebot zwischen Fülle und Verlust, Duldung und spontanem Protest und etablierter Revolution. Eine erstickende Revolte, eine Explosion, die ihre explosive Kraft verloren hat. |
“It [the wall] would crumble wholly without noise and sound.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, The Book of Hours Mexico City is in the midst of an unceasing display, between abundance and loss, toleration and spontaneous protest and established revolution. It is a suffocating revolt, an explosion that has lost its explosive force. |